Realise your health and fitness potential

Lessons on turning difficulties into strengths and chasing dreams

You can be fitter for having it

I’ve been there myself. Living with type 1 diabetes since childhood means I’ve had to manage my health, and all the extra baggage, while pursuing my goals. And, growing up I was curious to explore the impact of type 1 diabetes on exercise. 

So at the age of 40, after more than 35,000 insulin injections and countless blood glucose tests, I set a goal to run six marathons in six days across Australia's Simpson Desert. 

And guess what? I finished, coming first in my age group. It wasn't easy, but it taught me a thing or two about mental resilience and how to train my body and brain. It showed me that diabetes was not holding me back, in fact it helped me become stronger and faster as the race became harder.

And I didn't stop there. At the finish line, I set myself an even bigger goal: to run ten ultra-marathons in ten years.

And, you know what? I'm almost there too.

Lived experience

Life can be complicated. And when you add a chronic illness, injury or pain into the mix, it can feel like an uphill battle.

Everyday routines can feel challenging and relentless, and finding time to eat well and exercise seems impossible.

But here’s the thing - tough times can actually make you stronger. It’s what I like to call being ‘fitter for having it’. Over time I have found a practical way to use the extra obstacles life throws up to increase my resilience, agility and capacity for problem solving.

This inspired extraordinary achievements in sport, adventure and business.

Believe, inspire, succeed

I know, because I’ve done it and met others who do the same

Find out more

This site shares my insights on how to overcome challenges in life and set and achieve ambitious goals without giving up on your dreams.

Whether you are new to diabetes, an old hand looking at exercise or adventure in a different light, or a sports coach or business seeking to motivate your team there is something here for you.

Choose your #fitterforhavingit adventure or area of interest below.

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Helping you reach your goals

I set a goal to prove I was fitter for having type 1 diabetes. I now share what I learned to motivate people, teams and businesses to set goals and follow their own dreams, regardless of difficulty.