Using blood glucose tests

Glucose monitoring helped me improve performance

Sharing Dexcom G6 sensor results, or analysis of my finger prick blood glucose tests alongside my exercise and food diary means my doctor and I can learn how my body responds to different T1D management strategies which balance food, exercise and insulin.

One of the benefits of linking the Dexcom G6 CGM sensor to my T:Slim pump is the ability to download data and share it with my health care team.

For example, I was able to download my blood glucose results during a 10km run and discuss it with my Doctor. Together we worked out a way to improve my blood glucose control during the run (avoiding lows) by adjusting my basal rate profile 30 min before my run started.

The result was immediate. The following day, after running exactly the same run, my CGM shows improved glucose stability (more balance and less highs and lows).

I also felt better and shaved two minutes off my run time!





How I approached diagnosis


How I deal with ‘forever’